
City University of Hong Kong

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City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK), one of the eight government-funded higher-education institutions in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), is a modern, hi-tech institution committed to providing a quality learning environment for its students and the community. It has a vibrant research culture and has gained a good reputation for both research and innovation in a wide range of disciplines. CityUHK offers diverse research study opportunities and a wealth of master's programmes designed to integrate the acquisition of professional skills and technical know-how with the cultivation of intellectual faculties.

Founded in 1984, CityUHK now has seven Colleges and three Schools: College of Biomedicine, College of Business, College of Computing, College of Engineering, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, College of Science, Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences, School of Creative Media, School of Energy and Environment and School of Law. Our curricula are designed to promote knowledge creation, original discoveries and innovative thinking by integrating learning and research on all levels of our professional education. Please visit website of Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies or view our video to know more about postgraduate study apportunities at CityUHK. [More about postgraduate programmes]

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Teaching and Learning

CityUHK is committed to providing quality higher education to its students. We strive to produce a new breed of graduates who will excel in their chosen professions and possess a broad knowledge base to cope with the challenges of a changing world. The educational philosophy of the University emphasises whole person development, and students receive ample opportunities to nurture both the “breadth” (analytical and problem-solving skills, knowledge of the world) and “depth” (subject knowledge and professional skills) of their minds.

The University has a strong team of experienced academic staff with diverse research interests and professional expertise. Supported by top-quality teaching and research facilities, CityUHK provides students with an excellent environment for learning and research. The physical environment, infrastructure and teaching facilities have been adapted from time to time to create an ambiance that encourages intellectual curiosity, social interaction, self-expression and mutual support. Various financial assistance and awards are provided to eligible research degree students to facilitate their research studies.

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Research & Development

In pursuit of a policy of funding selectivity, the University supported the establishment of Research Centres to provide a focus for interdisciplinary research in selected areas with the capacity and potential for international competitiveness.

The University places heavy emphasis on applied research, and uses the results of such work to directly benefit Hong Kong and the wider world. Applied research outcomes are transferred to industry through the Applied Strategic Development Centres, which foster university-industry partnership, facilitate technology transfer and promote the commercialisation of the results of applied R&D. Applied R&D Centres across the border in Shenzhen have also been set up to focus on mid-stream, market–driven research with direct applications to industry, commerce and the community.


Facilities & Resources

The University offers excellent indoor and outdoor facilities are available from the Sports Complex on-campus for the organisation of regular physical education courses, sports team practices, intramural and intercollegiate competitions, and recreational activities for both staff and students.

Contact Us

Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies

  • (852) 3442 9076
  • (852) 3442 0332
  • 2/F, CityU International Centre, City University of Hong Kong, 22 Cornwall Street, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR